Contact Us
Before you get in touch...
Have you checked our FAQs?
Please make sure you've thoroughly checked the FAQs before reaching out to contact us. We’re always updating this page to ensure that all the information you might need is readily available and easy to find, so you don’t have to wait for a member of our team to get back to you. By reviewing the FAQs first, you’ll likely find answers to your questions quickly, helping to save time and get the information you need right away.
Still need to
contact us?
Most enquiries can be solved much more quickly by getting in touch directly with the relevant restaurant – find their contact details here. If your query definitely isn't covered in the FAQs and isn't something that your local restaurant can assist with, complete the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
We always endeavour to reply to your inquiries within 48 hours. Our dedicated small team is staffed entirely by humans, and while we work hard to respond promptly, please note that during weekends and bank holidays, it may take us a little longer than usual to get back to you. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during these times. Rest assured, we are committed to getting in touch with you as soon as we can, and we’ll make sure to provide you with the best service possible. Thank you for your understanding!